Precision take a proactive approach to reducing our carbon footprint and commitment to environmental sustainability.
We can help you meet your own environmental pledges and carbon reduction goals without increasing the cost or reducing the effectiveness of your marketing operations.
We are passionately committed to environmental sustainability, we have been on a green journey for several years now working constantly to reduce our carbon footprint and investing in greener technologies wherever possible, which has led to us becoming a carbon neutral company.
Nick Pryke, Chief Operating Officer, Precision.
Our carbon neutral journey.
Becoming a carbon neutral company is something we have been striving towards for the past 6 years, for our customers, for our employees and for the planet. Since the beginning of 2020 we have officially been operating a carbon neutral business model, but our journey won’t stop there, we will continue to introduce new sustainable initiatives, new ways of working to improve our carbon footprint and reduce our impact on the environment as part of our carbon neutral company commitment.
Our sustainable head office.
Our print and mail production facilities are solarpowered – we are even doubling our solar energy production with a further 100kw solar PV system being installed by Autumn 2020. We run an EV company car and forklift fleet to further maximise the use of the solar power we generate.
Throughout our building we’ve installed low energy LED lighting, we use vegetable-based inks on our print presses and FSC or PEFC certified paper. Further to this our mailing film is manufactured from potato starch which can be recycled in a standard compost bin. And our proactive supply chain shortening has allowed us to further reduce our carbon footprint.
We place great significance on recycling, having not only met but exceeded all our recycling goals. It is a source of pride for us to hold the ISO 14001 certification.
We’ve even sown a beautiful wildflower meadow to encourage local wildlife.
To view our Carbon Reduction Plan, please click here.
Sustainability in action.
We work with many clients who share our passion for putting sustainable business practices into action, supporting them to achieve more sustainable print and direct mail campaigns. We are frequently challenged to provide a greener solution to meet a specific customer need, nothing makes us happier than matching their requirement with a sustainable solution. Why not let us know your green direct marketing challenge.
Read more about one of our clients who live and breathe their sustainable business ethos.