Environmental Policy

Precision recognises that its business activities interact with the environment in a variety of ways. Our active carbon monitoring plan to measure and actively reduce our carbon footprint. This activity has seen us gain the Suffolk Carbon Charter Gold Award.

The organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to help protect the environment wherever it has an opportunity to do so, to be a responsible neighbour, and to provide a comfortable environment for its employees to work in.

As such, the Directors of Precision are committed to the following:

  • Continual improvement in the environmental impact of its business activities;
  • Improving the environmental benefits provided by its products/services (specify);
  • Preventing pollution;
  • Complying with all relevant legal, customer, and other third party requirements;
  • Establishing measurable environmental and business objectives that are consistent with the context and strategic direction of the organisation and addressing risks and opportunities associated with them;
  • Achieving objectives to help minimise its environmental impact;
  • Adopting best practices applicable to its activities wherever practicable.
  • Become a carbon neutral business
  • Remove fossil fuel from our entire Bury St Edmunds operation

The organisation will achieve these commitments by:

  • Implementing and maintaining an Environmental Management System that is independently certified as compliant with ISO 14001:2015;
  • Employing processes that identify the aspects of the organisation’s business that have an environmental impact and quantifying the significance of each aspect;
  • Maintaining an environmental performance improvement programme to enable the organisation’s objectives to be achieved;
  • Ensuring that its employees, suppliers and customers are aware of their role in supporting the organisation’s commitments and environmental objectives;
  • Training its employees in good environmental protection practices and encouraging employee involvement in environmental improvement initiatives;
  • 100% hybrid/all electric company car fleet and offer onsite charging facilities using solar panels installed on our roof. This is also available for customers and other staff to have access to.
  • Actively encourage all the team to consider how they travel to work etc cycling, car sharing etc.
  • Run a Bike to Work scheme and a Salary Sacrifice EV scheme.
  • Monitor noise/air quality
  • Purchasing paper and print on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited paper from sustainably managed forests that: protect animal habitats, maintains biodiversity, protects old trees, ensures zero deforestation,
  • Biodegradable and compostable materials are specified as part of our client proposal for all our packaging. We always default to paper based packaging wherever possible.
  • Where possible purchase vegetable based inks which also allows the use of non hazardous fluids to clean the printing rollers.
  • Waste materials are reused where appropriate and recycled in all other cases. We actively recycle paper, cardboard, polythene, metal, glass, ink cartridges and surplus pallets.
  • Encourage staff to recycle and supply recycle bins which are provided in all communal areas so that staff are encouraged to recycle their food packaging. Utilise recycling incentives and key performance indicators (KPI’s) to optimise recycling and re-use rates.
  • Continually monitoring the environmental impact of its business activities.
  • Engage with suppliers to encourage more transparency on sustainable information and to reduce carbon emissions from equipment.

The implementation of this policy is fundamental to the success of the organisation’s business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work.

This policy is publicly available to interested external parties upon request.