With Precision, we provided the bond between distribution and awareness of healthcare products for Klearvol.

Precision provided a solution to distribute 150,000 sample packs of Klearvol Inhalation Capsules to new consumers. From distribution, through to capturing first party data; Precision delivered.

Klearvol provides a range of natural products to support young families who have trouble getting their young ones to relax into a soothing sleep. Klearvol is readily available in various retail stores, and via their own online shop, but they were keen to build greater awareness of the brand and its product range. To execute this, Klearvol required a complete distribution management solution, which Precision were able to provide.


Our healthcare solution

The task of distributing 150,000 sample packs to consumers seems like a strenuous one, and posed several key questions: who do we send them to, and where is the data coming from? The global baby care sector is currently worth around $77 billion, and is anticipated to reach $88 billion by 2026. With this in mind, it was key that the Klearvol brand reached not only the correct audience, but also made a lasting impression. To do so, we utilised Emma’s Diary, a leading brand within the mother and baby sector, as the delivery mechanic.


Emma’s Diary have a baby pack for when the little one is 4 weeks to 3 months old. This would be a prime time to get the samples in front of the mum, as the product can be used from 3 months upwards. This will then allow Klearvol to be a brand for mum to know, and continue to use as the baby grows older.

Kat Maddox, Brand Manager, Klearvol


Each year, Emma’s Diary distributes over 500,000 baby packs at various stages, from the mother’s pregnancy, through to the child turning 2 years old. Each baby pack can be collected with an Emma’s Diary voucher from selected retail stores. The pack includes samples that are age appropriate, as well as information that is pertinent to the mother’s gestational age or the baby’s age.

Working with Emma’s Diary allowed us to utilise them as a distribution channel, and select a tailored timeframe for when the Klearvol sample packs will be sent to mums. Being a seasonal product within the cold and flu season, it was important to distribute the products at the suited timeframe. The Klearvol samples began going into packs between October and March; also known as the ‘cold season’. This meant that it was more likely that the mum receiving the product would have a child who is unsettled due to congestion, and therefore be more inclined to use the product in immediate effect of receiving it.


Value exchange

The sample pack boxes were designed strategically to include a QR code on the reverse of the box, allowing the consumer to scan directly through to a landing page. The incentive to the consumer was to “scan for your discount code today”. Once scanned, the consumer was then asked to provide some personal data, and short feedback on the samples – allowing Precision to capture the first party data on behalf of Klearvol, as part of the value exchange for the unique 10% discount code.

The QR code completes the entire customer journey, leading the consumer back onto the branded Klearvol website, where they can make a purchase of any product using the unique discount code. In turn, this develops a direct dialogue with parents of 1 to 3-month-old babies, allowing Klearvol to be a brand which they grow up with and continue to purchase – retaining greater customer loyalty and broadening brand awareness. Moreover, all regular size Klearvol packs will also now incorporate a “Buy direct from the brand” QR code, allowing the consumer to scan, order, and buy directly.


First party data

Capturing first party data is essential for offering direct insights into your audience. By utilising a QR code which allows for a quick method of purchase, Precision enables healthcare brands to directly enter the D2C market. This completes a full cycle of scan through to purchase, whereby Precision can capture first party data on behalf of healthcare brands. The captured data can be used to create more a purposeful marketing strategy, and build direct connections between the brand and the audience; ultimately strengthening the brands identity. Any captured data can be used for email campaigns, social media campaigns, direct mail… the list is endless!